Division of Campus Life
Student Health Services

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)

To ensure adequate protection against unexpected medical expenses, all registered full and part-time undergraduate, graduate and medical students in a degree granting program, who are not enrolled exclusively in an online program are automatically charged and enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), annually. Participation in SHIP is required unless a waiver is submitted and approved each academic year by the waiver deadline.

Brown's health insurance broker is Haylor, Freyer & Coon. All student Health Insurance policy related information for the upcoming academic year will be accessed on their website by mid-June.

Waiver Process 

For students who have comparable health insurance coverage that meets all Brown requirements, an annual waiver may be submitted for review through an external validation process. If approved, the health insurance charge will be credited to the Bursar account within 3-5 days.

Important Dates

Waiver process opens6/12/202411/20/2024
Waiver process closes8/30/2024

2024-2025 Student Health Insurance Fee Structure

Early Arrival 7/15/2024 - 8/14/2025$5189
Annual Policy8/15/2024 - 8/14/2025$4780
Spring Semester1/1/2025 - 8/14/2025$2959



Eligible students who are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan may also enroll their dependents for the same coverage period.

Financial Aid / Scholarship

Undergraduate students who are receiving a University need-based scholarship and do not have comparable or have no insurance coverage, Brown will provide additional scholarship funds to cover the cost of the Brown's Student Health Insurance Plan. Please note that in order to be eligible for this scholarship, a student must submit a waiver and receive a denial.

Graduate and Medical students should reach out to their respective financial aid offices to inquire about funding or financing options.

Leave of Absence 

Students who take a leave of absence after more than 31 days into a coverage period, will remain enrolled in the plan until the end of the policy year.

Students who are granted a leave of absence from the University are eligible to continue their coverage for a maximum of one year if they meet the following requirements:

  • Student must be currently enrolled in SHIP
  • Student must provide a copy of the leave of absence verification form signed by the dean or advisor
  • Student must intend to return to Brown and remain a degree-seeking student

Qualifying Life Event

If you waived SHIP and have a qualifying event, such as a loss of coverage, during the policy year, you may request a petition to enroll in the plan. All Qualifying Life Events must be reported within 30 days including a loss via email or phone at brownstudent@haylor.com or 1(866) 535-0456.

Insurance After Graduation (Continuation)

Recent graduates already insured through the Student Health Insurance Plan can opt to extend their insurance plans for up to 3 months

  • The enrollment form must be received within 31 days after the termination of coverage under the Brown University Student Health Insurance Plan. If the deadline is not met, you will not be able to enroll in the Continuation Plan. Your coverage effective date will be retroactive to the day following your termination date under the Student Health Insurance Plan. 
  • Students are allowed to purchase up to three (3) months of coverage and must select the term of coverage at the time of their initial enrollment. However, once the period of coverage the student elects terminates, they will not be eligible to reenroll for another term of coverage. 3. The Continuation Plan duplicates the coverage of your current Student Health Insurance Plan. 
  • Students will pay the monthly premium directly to Haylor, Freyer & Coon.

International Scholars

All J-1 Exchange Visitors and their J-2 dependents are required to have exchange visitor compliant health insurance for the full duration of the J program. As J-1 scholars are not eligible for Brown University student health insurance, they need to secure a different plan that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for J exchange visitors as stipulated by the U.S. Department of State Exchange Visitor Program. This can be either through their home country’s health insurance coverage, Brown Benefits (when eligible), the Brown University International Scholars Insurance, or another J-1 compliant health insurance coverage. Proof of J-1 compliant health insurance must be provided to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS).

J-1 Student Interns or Visiting Research Fellows (VRFs) who are invited to Brown by  the Graduate School are mandated to obtain the Brown University International Scholars Insurance prior to receiving their invitation letter and the issuance of the DS-2019 certificate of eligibility.

For Information, please visit the Mandatory Health Insurance for J Exchange Visitors Website 

Enroll and purchase here: Brown University International Scholars Insurance.

For additional information, please also visit: Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS) Health Insurance Information 

For questions on policy and benefit related information, please email studenthealthinsuranceplan@brown.edu

Medical Coverage While Abroad

Students who are enrolled in SHIP and paid the premium have coverage while abroad. Your plan also provides you with 24 hour Worldwide Travel Assistance which includes services ranging from a lost passport to helping with emergency medical assistance or arranging for emergency medical evacuation or repatriation of remains.  It’s important to contact UnitedHealthcare Global at 1-800-527-0218 before making arrangements on your own.  Otherwise these services will not be covered. 


The Student Health Insurance plan offers pediatric dental coverage if you are under the age of 19. Information regarding the pedi dental coverage can be found here (pedi dental coverage); coverage lasts until the last day of the month in which you turn 19. 

If you are 19 or over, there is a discount plan where you may find dental providers offering discounts on dental services

Brown University offers a voluntary Dental Insurance Plan through Delta Dental of Rhode Island.

  • All PhD and MFA students with a financial support package from the University are automatically enrolled in the Student Dental Insurance Plan. 
  • All other students have the option to voluntarily enroll in the Student Dental Insurance Plan

Voluntary Dental Insurance Plan Rate

Policy Dates                                   Annual Premium                           
8/15/2024-8/14/2025 $488.28

Learn more about the 2024-25 dental offerings. Register for Delta Dental online. Download the Delta Dental App.


The Student Health Insurance plan offers pediatric vision coverage if you are under the age of 19. Information regarding the pedi vision coverage can be found here (pedi vision coverage); coverage lasts until the last day of the month in which you turn 19.

Brown University offers a voluntary Vision Plan through Delta Vision of Rhode Island for students aged 19 and up.

Voluntary Vision Plan Rate

Policy Dates                                   Annual Premium                           

Contact Us

Please email any questions regarding your policy to studenthealthinsuranceplan@brown.edu.

Brown University Student Health & Wellness
Attn: Student Insurance
Box 1928
Providence, RI 02912

Frequently Asked Questions

Please allow a full 30 days for all claims to process before inquiring about a bill. Regardless of whether you have the student insurance plan with United Healthcare Student Resources or your own private insurance. If you have received a bill or an Explanation of Benefits and have questions regarding your out of pocket costs, please email us at studenthealthinsuranceplan@brown.edu. Please include a copy of your billing statement, summary of benefits and any relevant details.

An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is a statement that comes from your health insurance provider that describes the costs your plan will cover for medical care or products. It is generated when your provider submits a claim for services.

For students who have comparable health insurance coverage that meets all Brown requirements, an annual waiver may be submitted for review through an external validation process. If approved, the health insurance charge will be credited to the Bursar account within 3-5 days.

As part of the health insurance policy offered through Brown, students who wish to waive enrollment in our Student Health Insurance Plan must show proof that they are actively enrolled in a health insurance plan that provides comprehensive “comparable” coverage while they’re at school. 

Comparable Coverage

Comparable coverage is defined as if your plan covers you for non-emergent/urgent and routine care (routine physicals) without coverage limitations while you are on or near your school’s campus. It includes the following stipulations:

  • Fully compliant with all aspects of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Underwritten and administered in the United States.
  • Preventative services  
  • Your plan does not have any limitations or exclusions on pre-existing conditions.  
  • Your plan covers hospital stays for medical and surgical care and for mental health conditions. 
  • Your plan covers doctor office visits for medical and mental health conditions.  
  • Your plan covers prescriptions written by a doctor. (If you are covered for prescription benefits through a third party vendor – Merck Medco, Medco, CVS Caremark, Express Scripts, etc., that is acceptable.)
  • Your plan does not place dollar maximums on medical benefits.  
  • Your plan provides coverage for diagnostic services, including laboratory tests and x-rays. 

Students who are enrolled in an HMO or Medicaid plan outside of the plan’s service area, will be denied.

Exceptions: RI, MA, and CT HMO and Medicaid plans.

It is important that the plan provides access to comparable coverage while you are on campus. Students enrolled in an HMO, or a plan purchased through their ‘home’ state’s Exchange may have excellent coverage while they are at home, but may only be covered for emergency/urgent care when they are outside of their plan’s service area. Students enrolled in an out-of-state or out-of- county Medicaid plan will only have coverage within that state or county and will not have coverage outside of those areas except for emergency/urgent care. Only having coverage for emergencies and urgent care may result in a significant financial burden if the condition requires continued follow-up visits and diagnostic services.

If you waived SHIP and have a qualifying event, such as a loss of coverage, during the policy year, you may request a petition to enroll in the plan. All Qualifying Life Events must be reported within 30 days including a loss via email or phone at student@haylor.com or 1(866) 535-0456.

Undergraduate students who are receiving a University need-based scholarship and do not have comparable or have no insurance coverage, Brown will provide additional scholarship funds to cover the cost of the Brown's Student Health Insurance Plan. Please note that in order to be eligible for this scholarship, a student must submit a waiver and receive a denial.

Graduate and Medical students should reach out to their respective financial aid offices to inquire about funding or financing options.

December graduates are covered by SHIP  through August of the following year of enrollment.  Please refer to the plan year details to confirm the last day of coverage. If you are a December graduate and you wish to terminate your coverage early and request a refund of a portion of your insurance costs, please email studenthealthinsuranceplan@brown.edu to request a refund. Please state December Graduate in the subject line and include your Banner ID and graduation date in the body.

Recent graduates already insured through the Student Health Insurance Plan can opt to extend their insurance plans for up to 3 months

  • The enrollment form must be received within 31 days after the termination of coverage under the Brown University Student Health Insurance Plan. If the deadline is not met, you will not be able to enroll in the Continuation Plan. Your coverage effective date will be retroactive to the day following your termination date under the Student Health Insurance Plan. 
  • Students are allowed to purchase up to three (3) months of coverage and must select the term of coverage at the time of their initial enrollment. However, once the period of coverage the student elects terminates, they will not be eligible to reenroll for another term of coverage. 3. The Continuation Plan duplicates the coverage of your current Student Health Insurance Plan. 
  • Students will pay the monthly premium directly to Haylor, Freyer & Coon.


Students who take a leave of absence after more than 31 days into a coverage period, will remain enrolled in the plan until the end of the policy year.

Students who are granted a leave of absence from the University are eligible to continue their coverage for a maximum of one year if they meet the following requirements:

  • Student must be currently enrolled in SHIP
  • Student must provide a copy of the leave of absence verification form signed by the dean or advisor
  • Student must intend to return to Brown and remain a degree-seeking student


Students are encouraged to visit Student Health & Wellness for all sick/ wellness visits before seeking care in the community. Please visit the Student Health and Wellness page to learn more about our hours and services.

In this situation, the student becomes the subscriber of the Student Health Insurance Plan, which means it has to be the Primary Insurance and your personal insurance plan will become the secondary plan. The patient needs to declare at the time of the visit they hold two insurances, the Student Insurance Plan being primary and personal plan being secondary even if they are in their home state. 

Not following this insurance rule can lead to unnecessary bills for the student which in many cases end up in collections.