Same-day appointments are typically available if you call ahead. If you have a preference as to the gender of the person who examines and treats you, or if you feel more comfortable having a chaperone in the room, please tell the team assistant when you make an appointment. Staff members will do their best to accommodate your wishes. Health Services is located at 450 Brook St. in the new Health and Wellness Center.
Masking Guidance for In-Person Appointments
Beginning on June 1, the Health & Wellness Center will no longer require masks and will adopt a mask-optional policy. Masks are recommended when an individual has active respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat), or if they are not up to date with vaccinations and have had a recent close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This approach follows CDC recommendations and is consistent with policies in healthcare facilities in Rhode Island and the surrounding area. The Health & Wellness Center will continue to have masks available for clinicians and students to wear during appointments, and Health Services providers will be able to conduct COVID-19 tests on-site if clinically indicated. Learn more at the Healthy Brown website.