Division of Campus Life
Student Health Services

Parents and Families

Parents and families can play a critical role in helping a student access health care as they are often the first person students will call when they have a health problem or concern.

Although we cannot share medical information without a student's consent, you can provide critical guidance and support should you have concerns regarding your student’s health and wellbeing. We consistently encourage our students to maintain frequent and ongoing communication with their families as part of their approach to their success, health and wellbeing at Brown. Additionally, our clinical providers are proactive in encouraging students to communicate with family members when health issues arise. 

All full time students are charged a Health Fee and can use our services. This is a separate fee from health insurance.

Emergency medical services are available 24/7 and can be reached by calling 401-863-4111.  If it is unsure if EMS is needed, call 401-863-3953 for nursing advice.

Our services page details a variety of appointments and other services available and how to access them. When we are closed, there is always a nurse available for advice.

College is a time of transition when students learn to do more independently, including accessing and using health care. Students who are 18 or over, and students younger than 18 but away at college, are considered adults, therefore their medical records are confidential. We recognize parents can help provide guidance and support and just because records are confidential does not mean we do not want to talk with you. With your students' consent we are happy to talk with you about a given visit.

Student Health Services complies with state and federal laws protecting the health information of students and students are in charge of how their medical information is disclosed. If your student gives us permission, we are glad to talk with you about their health concerns. We do not accept "blanket releases" or "global waivers", and each specific instance of care requires separate permission from a student to speak with a parent or family member.

Please note that for serious life threatening situations, or if your student is unconscious and unable to make a decision, we are able to and will discuss confidential health information with you to ensure the safety of your student.

If you have questions regarding charges, you can contact the specific department or Assistant Director Christine Farland at 401-863-7880.

If you have a concern, call 401-863-3953 to be directed to the appropriate staff member or email the Associate Director of Student Health and Wellness, Kristie Sullivan.