Health & Wellness
Health Services
April 22, 2024

2024 Graduating Student Checklist: Preparing for Care Post-Graduation


Dear Students:

All of us at Health and Wellness congratulate you on approaching the completion of your education and experiences at Brown University. Many of you have received care or prescription medication through the departments of Health and Wellness.  

Please take some time to prepare for your commencement and transition coming in the weeks and months ahead. We urge you to review the following checklist of personal health considerations in anticipation of moving onward from Brown University.

  • Speak with your primary care clinician or primary therapist at Health and Wellness about transitioning your care to a new provider.
    • After May 15th: You can still use Health Services or CAPS, however, if you need to pay for services/medical equipment (e.g. x-ray, pharmacy, crutches) you will no longer be able to charge your Bursar bill. You may pay by cash, check, Bear Bucks, or credit card.
    • After May 26th: You will no longer be eligible for services at Health Services or CAPS; however, we can help coordinate your follow up care. 
  • Clarify how long your current health insurance policy will continue to cover your healthcare needs after your graduation date (or date of leaving Brown).
    • Students covered by Brown's Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)/United Healthcare Student Resources: you are covered by SHIP until August 14, 2024. Visit this link for details about SHIP insurance coverage.
  • Create a plan to ensure that you have sufficient medication and refills to tide you over until you have a new prescriber.
  • Communicate now with any community-based healthcare providers including specialists, therapists, or counselors about your transition to a new primary care provider or new geographic location. 
  • Make any necessary appointments with healthcare providers or support services here at Brown to plan for your transition to a new setting, or to have the time, space, and opportunity for a final visit.
  • Download your immunization history, any lab results or health education sheets via your patient portal for your personal records, as secure messaging will be unavailable post-graduation.
    • Obtain any overdue immunizations (e.g. Tetanus) that may be outstanding while still enrolled at Brown.
  • Consider speaking with your counselor or therapist about signing an ROI (release of information) form permitting them to share information with a new clinician.
  • Perhaps take the opportunity to say goodbye to anyone that has been particularly meaningful or supportive to you during your journey at Brown.

We wish you the very best of health, wellbeing, and happiness in all of your future experiences.

Brown University Health and Wellness